package com.hx.phip.controller.appointment; import; import; import com.hx.common.BaseController; import com.hx.exception.TipsException; import com.hx.mybatisTool.SqlSentence; import com.hx.phiappt.common.OperatorConstants; import com.hx.phiappt.common.RoleType; import com.hx.phiappt.constants.tool.appointment.TransferUtil; import com.hx.phiappt.constants.tool.appointment.autoMate.AppAutoMateHandleUtil; import com.hx.phiappt.constants.tool.appointment.autoMate.AppAutoMateV5Util; import com.hx.phiappt.dao.mapper.*; import com.hx.phiappt.model.*; import com.hx.phiappt.vo.ApponintmentVo; import com.hx.phiappt.vo.ProjectVo; import com.hx.phiappt.vo.ShopWorkTimeVo; import com.hx.phiappt.vo.appointment.autoMate.AppAutoMateVo; import com.hx.phip.service.EmployeeRoleService; import com.hx.phip.service.SystemParameterService; import com.hx.resultTool.Result; import com.hx.util.DateUtil; import com.hx.util.StringUtils; import com.hz.his.dto.appointment.AppointmentAutoMateDto; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import javax.annotation.Resource; import java.util.*; import; /** * author:fhx * Date:2021/3/24 18:43 */ @RestController @RequestMapping("/appointment/autoMate") public class AppAutoMateController extends BaseController { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppAutoMateController.class); @Resource private SystemParameterService systemParameterService; @Resource private EmployeeRoleService employeeRoleService; /** 自动匹配 - 混合项目 */ @RequestMapping("/addApply/blend") public Result addApplyBland(@RequestBody AppointmentAutoMateDto dto) {"预约自动匹配请求参数:{}", JSONObject.toJSONString(dto)); if(dto.getOpType() == null){ throw new TipsException("操作人类型为空!"); } if(StringUtils.isEmpty(dto.getShopId())) { throw new TipsException("请选择门店"); } Shop shop = commonService.selectOneByKey(ShopMapper.class, dto.getShopId()); if(shop == null) { throw new TipsException("找不到门店"); } if(StringUtils.isEmpty(dto.getUserId())) { throw new TipsException("请选择用户"); } Map values = new HashMap<>(); SqlSentence sqlSentence = new SqlSentence(); sqlSentence.setM(values); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); values.put("userId", dto.getUserId()); sqlSentence.setSqlSentence(" select u.*, cu.depId as shopId from user u left join corp_user cu on = u.hisCorpUserId WHERE = #{m.userId} "); User user = commonService.selectOne(UserMapper.class, sqlSentence); if(user == null) { throw new TipsException("找不到用户"); } Employee doctor = null; String doctorId = dto.getDoctorId(); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(doctorId)) { values.put("id", doctorId); values.put("roleUniqueStr", RoleType.UNIQUE_STR_DOCTOR); sql.setLength(0); sql.append(" select e.*, r.shopId from employee e ") .append(" left join employee_role r on r.employeeId = ") .append(" WHERE = #{} and r.roleUniqueStr = #{m.roleUniqueStr} and e.isDel = 0 ") .append(" group by r.roleUniqueStr "); sqlSentence.setSqlSentence(sql.toString()); doctor = commonService.selectOne(EmployeeMapper.class, sqlSentence); if(doctor == null) { throw new TipsException("找不到医生"); } }else{ doctorId = null; } if(StringUtils.isEmpty(dto.getArriveDate(), dto.getStartTime())) { throw new TipsException("请选择到店日期和时间"); } if(dto.getVisitType() == null) { throw new TipsException("请选择就诊类型"); } if(dto.getAppType() == null) { throw new TipsException("请选择预约类型"); } Integer waitDuration = dto.getWaitDuration(); if(waitDuration == null || waitDuration < 0){ waitDuration = 0; } Integer palsyDuration = dto.getPalsyDuration(); if(palsyDuration == null || palsyDuration < 0){ palsyDuration = 0; } if(dto.getSpecialUser() == null){ dto.setSpecialUser(Appointment.NO); } if(dto.getIsMicApprove() == null){ dto.setIsMicApprove(BaseEntity.NO); } if(dto.getIsSwitch() == null){ dto.setIsSwitch(BaseEntity.NO); } if(dto.getRealMzTime() == null){ dto.setRealMzTime(0); } //推荐匹配数量为空,则默认2 if(dto.getMateNum() == null){ dto.setMateNum(2); } //术前时间 int sqTime = 0; LinkedHashMap pMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map pNumMap = new HashMap<>(); Map pZlMap = new HashMap<>(); List projectList = new ArrayList<>(); String [] projectIdsArr = null; String [] projectNamesArr = null; int isDevice = 0; //是否再生项目 String zsProjectId = ""; boolean isZsP = false; //是否有非生美项目 boolean isNotSm = false; //复查可以不选项目 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(dto.getProjectJson()) && dto.getAppType() != Appointment.APP_TYPE_REVIEW) { throw new TipsException("请选择项目"); }else { //再生项目逻辑,目前写死一个项目 SystemParameter sp = systemParameterService.selectOneByName(SystemParameter.KEY_CRM_APPOINTMENT_PROJECT_ID); if(sp != null && StringUtils.noNull(sp.getParamValue())){ zsProjectId = sp.getParamValue(); } JSONArray pArr = JSONArray.parseArray(dto.getProjectJson()); int len = pArr.size(); JSONObject temp ; String id ; int num ; Project p ; projectIdsArr = new String[len]; projectNamesArr = new String[len]; for(int i = 0;i < len;i ++) { temp = pArr.getJSONObject(i); id = temp.getString("id"); num = temp.getIntValue("num"); if(StringUtils.isEmpty(id) || num <= 0) { throw new TipsException("请选择正确项目和数量"); } p = commonService.selectOneByKey(ProjectMapper.class, id); if(p == null || p.getIsDel().equals(BaseEntity.YES) || p.getIsUp().equals(BaseEntity.NO)) { throw new TipsException("找不到项目或者项目下架"); } projectList.add(p); pMap.put(id, new ProjectVo(p, num, dto.getShopId())); pNumMap.put(id, num); //判断治疗时间等于0,则默认5分钟 pZlMap.put(id, p.getUseDuration() == null ? 0 : p.getUseDuration()); //获取最大的术前准备时间 if(p.getReadyDuration() > sqTime){ sqTime = p.getReadyDuration(); } projectIdsArr[i] = id; projectNamesArr[i] = p.getName(); if(p.getIsDevice().equals(BaseEntity.YES)){ isDevice++; } if(!isNotSm && p.getIsLifeBeauty().equals(BaseEntity.NO)){ isNotSm = true; } if(zsProjectId.equals(id)){ if(num > 1){ throw new TipsException("再生项目数量不能大于1!"); } isZsP = true; } } } //判断如果包含了再生项目, if(isZsP && projectList.size() > 1){ throw new TipsException("预约项目里面有再生项目,不能和其他项目同时预约!"); } if(isNotSm && StringUtils.isEmpty(doctorId)){ throw new TipsException("预约包含非生美项目,需选择预约医生!"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //逻辑1 //1.通过客户类型和客户等级查询出面诊、沟通、手续时间(默认5分钟) int mzTime = 15; int gtTime = 5; // int sxTime = 5; sql.setLength(0); sql.append(" select * from cure_set_time "); sql.append(" where isDel = #{m.isDel} and appType = #{m.appType} and memberLevelId = #{m.memberLevelId}"); values.put("isDel", BaseEntity.NO); values.put("appType", dto.getAppType()); values.put("memberLevelId", user.getMemberLevelId()); sqlSentence.setSqlSentence(sql.toString()); List cList = commonService.selectList(CureSetTimeMapper.class, sqlSentence); if(cList != null && cList.size() > 0){ for(CureSetTime cst : cList){ if(cst.getSetType() == CureSetTime.SET_TYPE_COM){ mzTime = cst.getDuration(); //面诊 } // else if(cst.getSetType() == CureSetTime.SET_TYPE_COMMUNICATE){ // gtTime = cst.getDuration(); //沟通 // } // else if(cst.getSetType() == CureSetTime.SET_TYPE_PROCEDURES){ // sxTime = cst.getDuration(); //手续 // } } } if(mzTime > dto.getRealMzTime()){ waitDuration = 0; } //判断沟通或手续是否为空,不为空就使用传值的 gtTime = dto.getComDuration() != null ? dto.getComDuration() : gtTime; //术前时间(分钟) = 秒 /60 sqTime = sqTime / 60; //2.选择项目的治疗时间 //通过项目id和医生id查询判断是否有对应的医生项目治疗时间 int zlTime = 0; int thisTime ; //医生id不为空 if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(doctorId) && projectIdsArr != null){ sql.setLength(0); sql.append("select * from doctor_project_cure_time where isDel = #{m.isDel} and doctorId = #{m.doctorId} and projectId = #{m.projectId}"); sqlSentence.setSqlSentence(sql.toString()); values.put("doctorId", doctorId); DoctorProjectCureTime ct; for(String projectId : projectIdsArr){ values.put("projectId", projectId); ct = commonService.selectOne(DoctorProjectCureTimeMapper.class, sqlSentence); if(ct != null){ //设定的时间 * 数量 thisTime = ct.getDuration() * pNumMap.get(projectId); }else{ //项目治疗时间(秒) / 60 * 数量 thisTime = (pZlMap.get(projectId) / 60 * pNumMap.get(projectId)); } zlTime += thisTime; pMap.get(projectId).setZlTime(thisTime); } }else{ for(String projectId : projectIdsArr){ //项目治疗时间(秒) / 60 * 数量 thisTime = (pZlMap.get(projectId) / 60 * pNumMap.get(projectId)); zlTime += thisTime; pMap.get(projectId).setZlTime(thisTime); } } //用户操作时,对应个别时间为0 if(dto.getOpType() == OperatorConstants.OP_TYPE_USER){ // mzTime = 0; //默认标准轮匹配的实际面诊时长=系统面诊时长 dto.setRealMzTime(mzTime); gtTime = 0; // sqTime = 0; waitDuration = 0; } //再生项目时,其他时间都为0 else if(isZsP){ mzTime = 0; gtTime = 0; palsyDuration = 0; sqTime = 0; waitDuration = 0; } // //总时长 = 面诊 + 沟通 + 敷麻 + 术前 + 准备等待 + 治疗 // int duration = mzTime + gtTime + palsyDuration + sqTime + waitDuration + zlTime; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //逻辑2 Date st = DateUtil.parseString_1(dto.getArriveDate() + " " + dto.getStartTime() + ":00"); //减去沟通时间 String dayStr = DateUtil.formatDate(st); String projectIds = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join(projectIdsArr, ","); String projectNames = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join(projectNamesArr, "|"); List aVoList = new ArrayList<>(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); Employee cu = null; //判断操作人是员工时 if(dto.getOpType() == OperatorConstants.OP_TYPE_EMPLOYEE && StringUtils.noNull(dto.getOpRoleId())){ cu = employeeRoleService.selectEmployeeById(dto.getOpRoleId()); } String err; //非MIC、非勾选转疗、且不是用户所属顾问门店的预约,才检查转疗限制逻辑 if(dto.getIsMicApprove() == BaseEntity.NO && dto.getIsSwitch() == BaseEntity.NO && !StringUtils.isEmpty(user.getShopId()) && !dto.getShopId().equals(user.getShopId())){ err = TransferUtil.checkTransferNotAccepted(commonService , user, shop, st, doctor, cu, projectList); if(err != null){ throw new TipsException(err); } //修改为转疗 dto.setIsSwitch(BaseEntity.YES); } //-----迁移到新增/修改预约进行判断 Integer occupySwitch = dto.getIsSwitch(); //检查是否不占用转疗名额 if(BaseEntity.YES.equals(occupySwitch)){ occupySwitch = TransferUtil.checkTransferNotOccupy(commonService , user.getUserLevel(), dto.getShopId() , st, doctorId , cu , projectList); } //非MIC检查下是否符合要求 if(dto.getIsMicApprove() == BaseEntity.NO){ //先检查下对应条件是否符合要求:1项目类型、2门店预约人数、3门店最大转疗人数、4检查设备、5医生预约人数 err = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.checkLimit(commonService, shop, doctorId, st, dayStr, projectIdsArr, dto.getIsSwitch(), occupySwitch, dto.getAptId()); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(err)) { json.put("list", aVoList); json.put("sqTime", sqTime); json.put("zlTime", zlTime); json.put("mzTime", mzTime); json.put("isSwitch", dto.getIsSwitch()); json.put("occupySwitch", occupySwitch); json.put("errMsg", err); return Result.success(json); } } //处理项目可预约时间 List canAppList = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.getProjectCanAppTime(commonService, projectList, st); // List canAppList = null; //医生时间 List doctorTimeList = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.selectDoctorTime(commonService, dto.getShopId(), doctorId, dayStr, dto.getAptId()); //过滤出医生的预约占用的特殊用户时间 List specialTimeList = new ArrayList<>(); if(dto.getSpecialUser() == Appointment.YES){ specialTimeList = .filter(s->s.getSpecialUser() == Appointment.YES && s.getApptType() != DoctorTime.APPT_TYPE_NONE) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } //判断如果是mic通用 if(dto.getIsMicApprove() == BaseEntity.YES){ return Result.success(AppAutoMateHandleUtil.MICList(commonService , aVoList, st, dto.getRealMzTime(), gtTime, palsyDuration , sqTime, zlTime, waitDuration, projectIds, projectNames ,isDevice, dto.getShopId(), dayStr, dto.getAptId(), pMap, specialTimeList)); } //没有医生为全部生美项目 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(doctorId)){ return Result.success(AppAutoMateHandleUtil.SMList(commonService, aVoList, st, dto.getRealMzTime(), gtTime, palsyDuration , sqTime, zlTime, waitDuration, projectIds, projectNames ,isDevice, dto.getShopId(), dayStr, dto.getAptId(), pMap, dto.getIsSwitch(),occupySwitch, canAppList , specialTimeList)); } //查询当天是否有活动日 values.put("shopId", dto.getShopId()); values.put("dayStr", dayStr); sqlSentence.setSqlSentence("select * from activity_day where isDel = #{m.isDel} and shopId = #{m.shopId} and dayStr = #{m.dayStr}"); ActivityDay activityDay = commonService.selectOne(ActivityDayMapper.class, sqlSentence); //门店营业时间 ShopWorkTimeVo shopWorkTimeVo = new ShopWorkTimeVo(shop, dayStr); // //初始日期(存储判断) // String initDayStr = dayStr; // //初始开始时间(如09:00) // String initStartTime = dto.getStartTime(); TreeMap timeMap = null; // 医生id为空返回门店时间 // if(StringUtils.isEmpty(doctorId)){ // timeMap = AppAutoMateV5Util.shopWorkTimeSet(shopWorkTimeVo); // } //门店特殊时间 List shopTimeList = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.selectShopTime(commonService, dto.getShopId(), dayStr, dto.getAppType(), user.getUserLevel(), user.getStarLevel()); //时间处理次数:1第一轮医生正常时间、2第二轮医生开头5分钟可预约、3第三轮医生结束5分钟可预约 int handleNum = 1; //向上还是向下:0标准1向下2向上(向下或向上中间可加等待时间) int upOrDown = 0; //按天分隔类型:0不分隔、1上午、2下午 int daySpaceType = dto.isDaySpace() ? 1 : 0; //第一轮匹配 AppAutoMateVo mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); err = mateData.getErrMsg(); if(timeMap == null || timeMap.size() <= 0){ throw new TipsException("当前预约医生预约日期无排班时间,无法选择系统推荐时间,请重新选择预约医生"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //判断用户选择的时间是否符合 //是否走扣减处理(默认true),即扣减医生上下5分钟逻辑 boolean deductHandle = true; //如果是是再生项目、或预约特殊类型为特殊客户,则不走扣减处理 if(isZsP || dto.getSpecialUser() == Appointment.YES){ deductHandle = false; } ApponintmentVo aVo = null; // ApponintmentVo aVo2 = null; String deviceErr = null; //从医生可用时间里面,拼接出当天最小可以时间 Date minStartTime = DateUtil.parseString_1(dto.getArriveDate() + " " + timeMap.keySet().iterator().next() + ":00"); Date upStratTime = st; Calendar cs = Calendar.getInstance(); //判断是否有项目可预约时间限制 int isCanApp = canAppList == null || canAppList.size() < 2 ? 0 : 1; //查询医生某个时间段有多少治疗数量sql sql.setLength(0); sql.append(" select COUNT(1) from doctor_time where ") .append(" where isDel = 0 and shopId = '").append(dto.getShopId()).append("' ") .append(" and apptType = 2 and timeType in (2, 3) ") .append(" and ( #{m.zlStartTime} BETWEEN startTime and endTime ") .append(" or #{m.zlEndTime} BETWEEN startTime and endTime) "); String doctorTimeAppNumSql = sql.toString(); //超过2个停止循环 while(aVoList.size() < dto.getMateNum() && StringUtils.isEmpty(err)){ //每次匹配都判断一下是否要做上下午时间处理 mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTimeToDaySpace(timeMap, dto.getArriveDate(), daySpaceType, palsyDuration, st); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); st = mateData.getStartTime(); //如果是上下午区分的,时间开始时间要重新获取才能符合上下午时间的分隔 //"开始时间:{}", DateUtil.formatDate_2(st)); //"daySpaceType:{}", daySpaceType); //"upOrDown:{}", upOrDown); //"handleNum:{}", handleNum); //"时间:{}", JSONObject.toJSONString(timeMap)); //判断如果时特殊客户预约,且非第一次处理和没有符合的时间,则直接提示不继续处理 if(upOrDown == 0){ //标准轮(使用实际面诊时长) aVo = AppAutoMateV5Util.getAppTimeBlend(timeMap, upStratTime, gtTime, dto.getRealMzTime(), palsyDuration, sqTime, zlTime, waitDuration, pMap, isCanApp); } else if(upOrDown == 1){ //向下匹配预约时间(使用配置的面诊时长) aVo = AppAutoMateV5Util.getAppTimeByDownV2(timeMap, st, gtTime, mzTime, palsyDuration, sqTime, zlTime, 0, 50, pMap, isCanApp); }else if(upOrDown == 2){ //向上匹配预约时间(使用配置的面诊时长) aVo = AppAutoMateV5Util.getAppTimeByUpV2(timeMap, upStratTime, gtTime, mzTime, palsyDuration, sqTime, zlTime, 0, 50, pMap, isCanApp); } //为空,表示当天已经没有时间段可以预约 if(aVo == null && upOrDown != 0) { if (aVoList.size() < dto.getMateNum() && handleNum == 1 && deductHandle) { //第二轮(治疗开始时间+10分钟) handleNum = 2; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); } else if (aVoList.size() < dto.getMateNum() && handleNum == 2 && deductHandle) { //第三轮(治疗结束时间-10分钟) handleNum = 3; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); } //如果是处理到:向上处理+没满足2个+(第三轮后 或 非扣减处理),则跑向下处理(+等待时间) else if(upOrDown == 2 && aVoList.size() < dto.getMateNum() && (handleNum == 3 || !deductHandle)) { //修改向上匹配时间 upOrDown = 1; handleNum = 1; //还原正常时间先 mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); // } else if(upOrDown == 2 && handleNum == 3){ } //判断如果上午分隔时间执行完,则进行下午分隔处理 else if(daySpaceType == 1){ daySpaceType = 2; //重置标准匹配时间 upOrDown = 0; handleNum = 1; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); }else { if(StringUtils.isEmpty(err)){ err = mateData.getErrMsg(); } if(StringUtils.isEmpty(err) && dto.getSpecialUser() == Appointment.YES && StringUtils.noNull(doctorId)){ err = "(特殊用户预约)系统匹配不到医生可用时间!"; }else if(StringUtils.isEmpty(err)){ err = deviceErr != null ? deviceErr : "系统匹配不到医生可用时间,或项目有可预约时间限制"; } break; } } else if(aVo != null) { //判断开始时间是否小于门店开始时间 boolean isSmaller = aVo.getStartTime().compareTo(shopWorkTimeVo.getmStartTime()) == -1; deviceErr = null; //判断需不需要设备判断,不需要不检查设备逻辑 if(isDevice > 0){ //检查设备时间 deviceErr = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.checkDevice(commonService, dto.getShopId(), dayStr, aVo, dto.getAptId()); } if(StringUtils.isEmpty(deviceErr) && !isSmaller) { //判断活动日不为空,并且匹配时间不超过活动日时间 if(activityDay != null && aVo.getStartTime().compareTo(activityDay.getStartTime()) > -1 && aVo.getEndTime().compareTo(activityDay.getEndTime()) < 1) { aVo.setActivityDayId(activityDay.getId()); } boolean isCustomerNum=true; if(shop.getSameTimeCustomerNum()!=null &&shop.getSameTimeCustomerNum()>0){ values.put("zlStartTime", aVo.getZlStartTime()); values.put("zlEndTime", aVo.getEndTime()); sqlSentence.setSqlSentence(doctorTimeAppNumSql); int count = commonService.selectCountSql(sqlSentence);"=====================预约订单自动获取时间===========当前时间段的订单数:"+count);"=="+DateUtil.formatDate_2(aVo.getEndTime())+"=="+shop.getSameTimeCustomerNum()+"=="+count); if(count>=shop.getSameTimeCustomerNum()){ isCustomerNum=false; } } if(isCustomerNum){ //判断相同向下匹配 if(aVoList.size() > 0) { //遍历判断匹配时间是否重复, boolean isRepeat = false; for(ApponintmentVo apponintmentVo : aVoList){ if( (apponintmentVo.getStartTime().compareTo(aVo.getStartTime()) == 0 && apponintmentVo.getEndTime().compareTo(aVo.getEndTime()) == 0) // || (aVo2.getMzStartTime().compareTo(aVo.getMzStartTime()) == 0 && aVo2.getMzEndTime().compareTo(aVo.getMzEndTime()) == 0) // || (aVo2.getZlStartTime().compareTo(aVo.getZlStartTime()) ==0 && aVo2.getEndTime().compareTo(aVo.getEndTime()) == 0) ){ isRepeat = true; break; } } //不重复则,存储对应可用 if(!isRepeat){ aVo.setHandleNum(handleNum); aVo.setUpOrDown(upOrDown); aVo.setProjectIds(projectIds); aVo.setProjectNames(projectNames); aVo.handleTips(handleNum, upOrDown); aVo.setDaySpaceType(daySpaceType); aVoList.add(aVo); //进入则表示上午已有1个,重置标准匹配下午时间 if(daySpaceType == 1){ daySpaceType = 2; upOrDown = 0; handleNum = 1; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); continue; }else if(daySpaceType == 2){ //如果是下午分隔的可以跳过 break; } }else{ //重复则向下匹配 upOrDown = 1; } }else{ aVo.setHandleNum(handleNum); aVo.setUpOrDown(upOrDown); aVo.setProjectIds(projectIds); aVo.setProjectNames(projectNames); aVo.handleTips(handleNum, upOrDown); aVo.setDaySpaceType(daySpaceType); aVoList.add(aVo); //进入则表示上午已有1个,重置标准匹配下午时间 if(daySpaceType == 1){ daySpaceType = 2; upOrDown = 0; handleNum = 1; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); continue; }else if(daySpaceType == 2){ //如果是下午分隔的可以跳过 break; } } } } //如果检查返回有不符合的条件 if(upOrDown == 1 && aVoList.size() < dto.getMateNum()){ //向下 //已面诊开始时间为开头加5分钟重新判断 cs.setTime(aVo.getMzStartTime()); // cs.setTime(aVo.getEndTime()); cs.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5); st = cs.getTime(); } // else if(upOrDown == 2 && aVoList.size() == 1){ // break; else if(upOrDown == 2 && aVoList.size() < dto.getMateNum()){ //向上 //已初始向上开始时间为开头减5分钟重新判断 cs.setTime(aVo.getMzStartTime()); cs.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -5); upStratTime = cs.getTime(); // st = cs.getTime(); //开始时间小于医生最小工作时间时 if(upStratTime.compareTo(minStartTime) < 0 ){ upOrDown = 1; handleNum = 1; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); } } // dayStr = DateUtil.formatDate(st); } //判断标准匹配处理 if(upOrDown == 0){ //标准匹配没有跑上下减5分钟逻辑,且还没走到第三轮和走扣减逻辑 if(aVo == null && handleNum < 3 && deductHandle){ if (handleNum == 1 && deductHandle) { //第二轮(治疗开始时间+10分钟) handleNum = 2; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); } else if (handleNum == 2 && deductHandle) { //第二轮(治疗结束时间-10分钟) handleNum = 3; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); } } else { //标准匹配又符合的 或 已走完第三轮 或不走扣减逻辑,则向下匹配重新匹配 upStratTime = aVo != null ? aVo.getMzStartTime() : st; handleNum = 1; upOrDown = 2; mateData = AppAutoMateHandleUtil.handleTime(commonService, shopWorkTimeVo, activityDay, projectIdsArr, doctorTimeList, shopTimeList , doctorId, dto.getShopId(), handleNum, canAppList); timeMap = mateData.getTimeMap(); } } } json.put("list", aVoList); json.put("sqTime", sqTime); json.put("zlTime", zlTime); json.put("mzTime", mzTime); json.put("isSwitch", dto.getIsSwitch()); json.put("occupySwitch", occupySwitch); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(err)){ json.put("errMsg", err); }else{ json.put("errMsg", deviceErr); }"预约匹配返回结果:{}", json.toString()); return Result.success(json); } }