From 5dfa4aae98c53f1f3d5f8b9fa5308f359bfea104 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jazz <> Date: 星期五, 04 三月 2022 19:23:41 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] update_202203041923_短信中心列表,短信临时发送 --- src/router/sms_router.js | 22 ++ src/pages/login/index.vue | 2 vue.config.js | 3 src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue | 2 src/settings.js | 2 src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue | 3 src/config/baseConfig.js | 9 src/pages/index/index.vue | 510 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/router/system_router.js | 22 + src/pages/dashboard/index.vue | 2 src/router/index.js | 36 +- 11 files changed, 579 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/config/baseConfig.js b/src/config/baseConfig.js index 003b9e4..0967e46 100644 --- a/src/config/baseConfig.js +++ b/src/config/baseConfig.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ var isCrossDomain = 1 // 鏄惁璺ㄥ煙 -var isTest = 0 // 鏄惁娴嬭瘯 -var isMock = 1 // 鏄惁浣跨敤mock +var isTest = 1 // 鏄惁娴嬭瘯 +var isMock = 0 // 鏄惁浣跨敤mock // 绾夸笂闈炶法鍩� var baseUrl = '//绾夸笂璇锋眰璺緞/' // 鍩虹璺緞(鏈湴闈炶法鍩熻矾寰�) // 娴嬭瘯闈炶法鍩� @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ // 鎵撳寘鍚庣殑鐜锛侊紒锛侊紒锛侊紒锛侊紒锛侊紒锛侊紒 if (process.env && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') { - baseUrl = '/' + baseUrl = '/sms/' isCrossDomain = 0 isTest = 0 isMock = 0 @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ // 娴嬭瘯璺ㄥ煙 var cdTestBaseUrl = { name: '/api_test/', - url: '', + // url: '', // - 鍏� + url: '', // - 绾夸笂 // url: '', // url: '', // - 鍜� // url: '', // - 鍜� diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue index 272b4f1..25bcbf1 100644 --- a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ }, data() { return { - title: '鈥濋」鐩悕绉扳��', + title: '鐭俊涓績', logo: '' } } diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue index 841b029..ca1c5f4 100644 --- a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue @@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ ]), routes() { let routes = this.$router.options.routes - routes = this.jun_filterAuth(routes, this.getAuthDataFN()) + routes = this.jun_filterAuth(routes, () => {}) + // routes = this.jun_filterAuth(routes, this.getAuthDataFN()) // console.log('this.getAuthDataFN()', this.getAuthDataFN()) // console.log('$router.options.routes', this.$router.options.routes) // console.log('routes', routes) diff --git a/src/pages/dashboard/index.vue b/src/pages/dashboard/index.vue index 42156a3..e796728 100644 --- a/src/pages/dashboard/index.vue +++ b/src/pages/dashboard/index.vue @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <template> <div class="app-container"> - <h1 style="text-align: center;margin-top: 5%">娆㈣繋鏉ュ埌鈥濋」鐩悕绉扳��</h1> + <h1 style="text-align: center;margin-top: 5%">娆㈣繋鏉ュ埌鐭俊涓績</h1> </div> </template> diff --git a/src/pages/index/index.vue b/src/pages/index/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c50dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/index/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,510 @@ +<template> + <div class="app-container"> + <!-- 杩斿洖鎸夐挳鍜屾爣棰� --> + <!-- <el-page-header class="mb20" content="xx" @back="$router.go(-1)" /> --> + + <!-- 鎼滅储鍖� 鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌 --> + <el-form v-show="showSearch" ref="searchForm" :inline="true"> + <el-form-item label="鎵规鍚嶇О"> + <el-input + v-model="batchName" + placeholder="鎼滅储鎵规鍚嶇О" + clearable + size="small" + style="width: 240px" + maxlength="50" + @keyup.enter.native="reGetList" + /> + </el-form-item> + <el-form-item label="鎵规缂栧彿"> + <el-input + v-model="batchCode" + placeholder="鎼滅储鎵规缂栧彿" + clearable + size="small" + style="width: 240px" + maxlength="50" + @keyup.enter.native="reGetList" + /> + </el-form-item> + <el-form-item> + <el-button type="cyan" icon="el-icon-search" size="mini" @click="reGetList">鎼滅储</el-button> + <el-button icon="el-icon-refresh" size="mini" @click="resetHandle">閲嶇疆</el-button> + </el-form-item> + </el-form> + <!-- 鎼滅储鍖� 鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈 --> + + <!-- 鎿嶄綔鍖� 鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌 --> + <el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8"> + <el-col :span="1.5"> + <!-- 鏉冮檺鍒ゆ柇 v-if="getAuthValueFN('xxx_add')" --> + <el-button + type="primary" + icon="el-icon-plus" + size="mini" + @click="showAddDialog" + >涓存椂鍙戦��</el-button> + </el-col> + <right-toolbar :show-search.sync="showSearch" @queryTable="getList" /> + </el-row> + <!-- 鎿嶄綔鍖� 鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈 --> + + <!-- + table鍙傛暟璁剧疆锛� + stripe 鏄惁涓烘枒椹汗 + border 鏄惁甯︽湁绾靛悜杈规 + max-height 鏈�澶ч珮搴� + --> + <el-table :data="list" stripe> + <el-table-column type="index" label="搴忓彿" align="center" width="60" /> + <el-table-column label="鍒涘缓鏃堕棿" prop="createTime" align="center" min-width="160" /> + <el-table-column label="鎵规鍚嶇О" prop="batchName" align="center" /> + <el-table-column label="鎵规缂栧彿" prop="batchCode" align="center" /> + <el-table-column label="鏈熸湜鍙戦�佹椂闂�" prop="timingTime" align="center" min-width="160" /> + <el-table-column label="鍙戦�佺煭淇℃椂闂�" prop="executionTime" align="center" min-width="160" /> + <el-table-column label="鍙戦�佹垚鍔熸�绘暟" prop="sendSuccess" align="center" /> + <el-table-column label="鍙戦�佸け璐ユ�绘暟" prop="sendFail" align="center" /> + <el-table-column label="鍙戦�佹�绘暟" prop="sendTotal" align="center" /> + <el-table-column label="鐘舵��" prop="status" align="center"> + <template slot-scope="scope"> + <span v-if="scope.row.isUp == 0">寰呮墽琛�</span> + <span v-if="scope.row.isUp == 1">鎵ц涓�</span> + <span v-if="scope.row.isUp == 2">瀹屾垚</span> + <span v-if="scope.row.isUp == 3">鍙栨秷</span> + <span v-if="scope.row.isUp == 4">澶辫触</span> + </template> + </el-table-column> + <el-table-column label="鐭俊妯″唴瀹�" prop="smsTemplate" align="center" min-width="160"> + <template slot-scope="scope"> + <el-popover + placement="top-start" + width="400" + popper-class="el-popover_tableFilter" + trigger="hover" + :popper-options="{ removeOnDestroy: true }" + > + <div style="max-height: 500px;overflow-y: auto;">{{ scope.row.smsTemplate }}</div> + <div slot="reference" class="line-clamp-2" style="line-height: 1.2">{{ scope.row.smsTemplate }}</div> + </el-popover> + </template> + </el-table-column> + <!-- <el-table-column label="鏄惁涓婃灦" prop="isUp" align="center" min-width="100"> + <template slot-scope="scope"> + <el-switch + v-model="scope.row.isUp" + :active-value="1" + :inactive-value="0" + @change="handleUpChange(scope.row)" + /> + </template> + </el-table-column> --> + <!-- <el-table-column label="鎿嶄綔" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" width="120"> + <template slot-scope="scope"> + <el-button + size="mini" + type="text" + icon="el-icon-edit" + @click="showEditDialog(scope.row)" + >缂栬緫</el-button> + <el-button + size="mini" + type="text warn" + icon="el-icon-delete" + @click="handleDelete(scope.row)" + >鍒犻櫎</el-button> + </template> + </el-table-column> --> + </el-table> + + <!-- 鏂板&缂栬緫 --> + <el-dialog v-el-drag-dialog :title="'涓存椂鍙戦�佺煭淇�'" width="800px" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" append-to-body :before-close="hideDialog" :close-on-click-modal="false"> + <el-form ref="refDialog" :model="dialogData" label-width="110px" :rules="rules" size="small"> + <el-form-item label="鎵规鍚嶇О" prop="batchName"> + <el-input v-model="dialogData.batchName" placeholder="璇疯緭鍏ユ壒娆″悕绉�" maxlength="255" /> + </el-form-item> + <el-form-item label="鎵规缂栧彿" prop="batchCode"> + <el-input v-model="dialogData.batchCode" placeholder="璇疯緭鍏ユ壒娆$紪鍙�" maxlength="255" /> + </el-form-item> + <el-form-item label="涓婁紶鏂囦欢" prop="uploadFiles"> + <div class="upload_single_file"> + <!-- 涓婁紶鏂囦欢缁勪欢(鍗�) --> + <el-upload + ref="refUploadFile" + :auto-upload="false" + action="#" + :limit="1" + :file-list="uploadFiles" + :on-change="addUploadFile" + :on-remove="delUploadFile" + :http-request="uploadFileReq" + :before-upload="beforeUploadFile" + size="mini" + > + <el-button style="display: block" :disabled="uploadFiles&&uploadFiles.length>0" class="mb8" type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-plus">涓婁紶鏂囦欢</el-button> + </el-upload> + </div> + </el-form-item> + <el-form-item label="鐭俊妯″唴瀹�" prop="smsTemplate"> + <el-input v-model="dialogData.smsTemplate" type="textarea" placeholder="璇疯緭鍏ョ煭淇℃ā鐗堝唴瀹�" maxlength="500" rows="5" /> + </el-form-item> + <!-- <el-form-item label="鐭俊妯″唴瀹�" prop="smsTemplate"> + <WangEnduit :catchdata="catchData" :content="dialogData.smsTemplate" :rangenum="rangenum" /> + </el-form-item> --> + </el-form> + <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> + <el-button @click="hideDialog">鍙栨秷</el-button> + <el-button type="primary" @click="submitHandle">纭畾</el-button> + </div> + </el-dialog> + + <pagination + v-show="total>0" + :total="total" + :page.sync="pageNum" + :limit.sync="pageSize" + @pagination="getList" + /> + + <back-to-top :visibility-height="300" :back-position="50" transition-name="fade" /> + </div> +</template> + +<script> +import BackToTop from '@/components/BackToTop' +// import WangEnduit from '@/components/WangEnduit' // 瀵屾枃鏈� +export default { + name: 'Index', + components: { + BackToTop + // WangEnduit + }, + data() { + return { + showSearch: true, // 鏄惁鏄剧ず鎼滅储鍖� + // keyWord: '', // 鎼滅储鍖哄瓧娈碉紝鍙嚜琛屾墿灞曞叾浣欏瓧娈� + batchName: '', + batchCode: '', + + objectName: '鐭俊', // 瀵硅薄鍚嶇О锛岀敤浜庡垹闄ゆ彁绀恒�佸惎鐢ㄦ彁绀恒�佸脊绐楁爣棰樼瓑 + + // 鏁版嵁鍒楄〃 + list: [], + userList: [], // 鐢ㄦ埛鍒楄〃 + + uploadFiles: [], // 涓婁紶鏂囦欢 + + // 寮圭獥鏁版嵁 + dialogVisible: false, + dialogData: {}, + + // 瀵屾枃鏈紪杈戝櫒 + // rangenum: null, + + // 鍒嗛〉 鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌 + total: 0, + pageNum: 1, + pageSize: 20, + // 鍒嗛〉 鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈 + + // 琛ㄥ崟鏍¢獙 + rules: { + batchName: [ + { required: true, message: '鎵规鍚嶇О涓嶈兘涓虹┖', trigger: 'change' } + ], + batchCode: [ + { required: true, message: '鎵规缂栧彿涓嶈兘涓虹┖', trigger: 'change' } + ], + smsTemplate: [ + { required: true, message: '鐭俊妯″唴瀹逛笉鑳戒负绌�', trigger: 'change' } + ] + // isUp: [ + // { required: true, message: '鏄惁涓婃灦涓嶈兘涓虹┖', trigger: 'change' } + // ] + } + } + }, + mounted() { + this.init() + }, + methods: { + // 鍒濆鍖� + init() { + this.getList() + }, + + // ========== 瀵屾枃鏈浉鍏� + // 瀵屾枃鏈紪杈戝櫒鐨勫唴瀹硅祴鍊� + // catchData(content) { + // if (content === '<p><br></p>') content = '' + // try { + // const currentRange = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) + // this.rangenum = currentRange + // } catch (e) { + // console.log(e) + // } + // this.$set(this.dialogData, 'smsTemplate', content) + // this.$refs['refDialog'].validateField('smsTemplate') + // }, + // ========== 瀵屾枃鏈浉鍏� + + // 鑾峰彇鍒楄〃 + getList() { + var { pageNum, pageSize, batchName, batchCode } = this + this.postFN({ + url: 'send-general/list', + header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' }, + params: { + pageNum: pageNum, + pageSize: pageSize, + + batchName: batchName, + batchCode: batchCode + }, + mockData: { + code: 100, + msg: '', + data: { + list: [{ + id: 'xxx', + index: 1, + name: '瓒呯骇绠$悊鍛�', + createTime: '2020-08-09 10:10:10' + }], + total: 100 + } + } + }, (inf) => { + this.list = inf.list || [] + this.userList = inf.userList || [] + = + }) + }, + // 閲嶆柊鑾峰彇鍒楄〃 + reGetList() { + this.pageNum = 1 + this.getList() + }, + // 閲嶇疆 + resetHandle() { + this.batchCode = '' + this.batchName = '' + this.reGetList() + }, + // 鍒犻櫎 + handleDelete(item) { + // 鎵撳紑浜屾纭寮圭獥 + this.$confirm('鏄惁纭鍒犻櫎璇�' + this.objectName + '?', '鎻愮ず', { + confirmButtonText: '纭畾', + cancelButtonText: '鍙栨秷', + type: 'warning' + }).then(() => { + // 纭畾鍥炶皟 + // TODO url + this.postFN({ + url: 'xxx', + params: { + id: + }, + mockData: { + code: 100, + msg: '', + data: {} + } + }, () => { + this.getList() + this.$messageSuc('鍒犻櫎鎴愬姛') + }) + }).catch(() => {}) + }, + // 淇敼鏄惁涓婃灦 + handleUpChange(item) { + const text = item.isUp === 1 ? '涓婃灦' : '涓嬫灦' + this.$confirm('纭瑕�' + text + '璇�' + this.objectName + '鍚�?', '鎻愮ず', { + confirmButtonText: '纭畾', + cancelButtonText: '鍙栨秷', + type: 'warning' + }).then(() => { + // TODO url + this.postFN({ + url: 'xxx', + params: { + id:, + isUp: item.isUp + }, + mockData: { + code: 100, + msg: '', + data: {} + } + }, () => { + this.$messageSuc(text + '鎴愬姛') + }, (res) => { + item.isUp = item.isUp === 1 ? 0 : 1 + this.$messageError(res.msg) + }) + }).catch(() => { + item.isUp = item.isUp === 1 ? 0 : 1 + }) + }, + + // 鎵撳紑鏂板寮圭獥 + showAddDialog() { + var dialogData = { + batchCode: '', + batchName: '', + smsTemplate: '' + } + this.uploadFiles = [] + this.dialogVisible = true + this.$nextTick(() => { + this.dialogData = dialogData + this.$refs['refDialog'].resetFields() + }) + }, + // 鎵撳紑缂栬緫寮规 + showEditDialog(item) { + var dialogData = { + type: 'edit', + ...item + } + console.log('dialogData', dialogData) + this.dialogVisible = true + this.$nextTick(() => { + this.dialogData = dialogData + this.$refs['refDialog'].resetFields() + }) + }, + // 鍏抽棴缂栬緫寮圭獥 + hideDialog() { + this.dialogData = { + + } + this.dialogVisible = false + // 娓呯┖瀵屾枃鏈� + // this.rangenum = null + }, + // 鎻愪氦鏂板&缂栬緫 + submitHandle() { + this.$refs['refDialog'].validate(valid => { + if (valid) { + this.uploadFileReq() + // this.submitReq() + } + }) + }, + // 鎻愪氦鎺ュ彛 + submitReq() { + var { dialogData } = this + var params = { + name:, + isUp: dialogData.isUp + // TODO 鍙傛暟 + } + + if (dialogData.password) params.password = dialogData.password + + var isAdd = dialogData.type === 'add' + // TODO url + var url = isAdd ? 'xxx/add' : 'xxx/edit' + + !isAdd && ( = + + this.postFN({ + url: url, + params: params, + mockData: { + code: 100, + msg: '', + data: {} + } + }, () => { + this.$messageSuc('淇濆瓨鎴愬姛') + this.hideDialog() + isAdd ? this.reGetList() : this.getList() + }) + }, + // 涓婁紶鏂囦欢 鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌鈫撯啌 + // 涓婁紶鍓嶇‘璁ゆ牸寮� + beforeUploadFile(file) { + const isTooLarge = file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 50 + let flag = true + if (isTooLarge) { + this.$message.error('璇峰嬁涓婁紶澶т簬50MB鐨勬枃浠�') + flag = false + } + return flag + }, + // 澧炲姞鏂囦欢 + addUploadFile(file, fileList) { + this.uploadFiles = fileList + }, + // 鍒犻櫎鏂囦欢 + delUploadFile(file, fileList) { + this.uploadFiles = fileList + }, + // 鎵ц涓婁紶鍟嗗搧鍥� + runUploadFile(suc_cb) { + if (this.checkNeedUpload(this.uploadFiles)) { + this.callback = suc_cb + this.$refs.refUploadFile.submit() + } else { + suc_cb && suc_cb() + } + }, + // 涓婁紶鏂囦欢 + uploadFileReq() { + var { dialogData, uploadFiles } = this + var file + uploadFiles[0] && (file = uploadFiles[0].raw) + const formData = new FormData() + for (const key in dialogData) { + formData.append(key, dialogData[key]) + } + formData.append('file', file) + if (!file) { + this.$message.error('璇蜂笂浼犳枃浠�') + return + } + console.log('/*******************鎻愪氦鏁版嵁formData/', dialogData, file) + this.postFN({ + url: 'send-general/temporary-send', + header: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }, + params: formData, + mockData: { + code: 100, + msg: '', + data: { + imgUrl: '涓婁紶鏂囦欢鎴愬姛' + } + } + }, (inf) => { + console.log('涓婁紶鏂囦欢鎴愬姛涓旂粨鏉�', inf) + + this.reGetList() + + this.hideDialog() + + // 鎻愪氦 + // this.$set(this.dialogData, 'imgUrl', inf.imgUrl) + // this.callback && this.callback(inf.imgUrl) + }) + }, + // 鑾峰彇鏂囦欢鍚庣紑鍚� + extname(filename) { + if (!filename || typeof filename !== 'string') { + return '' + } + const a = filename.split('').reverse().join('') + const b = a.substring(0,\./)).split('').reverse().join('') + return b + } + // 涓婁紶鏂囦欢 鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈鈫戔啈 + } +} +</script> + +<style lang="scss" scoped> +.upload_single_file .el-upload-list__item-name{ + padding: 5px!important; +} +</style> diff --git a/src/pages/login/index.vue b/src/pages/login/index.vue index e3fd202..40b8a86 100644 --- a/src/pages/login/index.vue +++ b/src/pages/login/index.vue @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ <el-form ref="loginForm" :model="loginForm" :rules="loginRules" class="login-form" autocomplete="on" label-position="left"> <div class="title-container"> - <h3 class="title">鈥濋」鐩悕绉扳��</h3> + <h3 class="title">鐭俊涓績</h3> </div> <el-form-item prop="username"> diff --git a/src/router/index.js b/src/router/index.js index 1696681..d877e9c 100644 --- a/src/router/index.js +++ b/src/router/index.js @@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ import Layout from '@/layout' import demo_router from './demo_router' -import system_router from './system_router' -import op_router from './op_router' -import agreement_router from './agreement_router' +import sms_router from './sms_router' +// import system_router from './system_router' +// import op_router from './op_router' +// import agreement_router from './agreement_router' /** * 娉�:瀛愯彍鍗曞彧鍑虹幇鍦ㄨ矾绾垮瓙鏃躲�傞暱搴�> = 1 @@ -60,21 +61,22 @@ }] }, - system_router, + // system_router, + sms_router, demo_router, - agreement_router, + // agreement_router, - { - path: 'external-link', - component: Layout, - children: [ - { - path: '', - meta: { title: '澶栭摼', icon: 'link' }, - auth: 'external_link' - } - ] - }, + // { + // path: 'external-link', + // component: Layout, + // children: [ + // { + // path: '', + // meta: { title: '澶栭摼', icon: 'link' }, + // auth: 'external_link' + // } + // ] + // }, // { // path: '/demo', @@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ // ] // }, - op_router, + // op_router, // 404 page must be placed at the end !!! { path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true } diff --git a/src/router/sms_router.js b/src/router/sms_router.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..124d674 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/router/sms_router.js @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +// 璺敱閰嶇疆鏂囦欢 +import Layout from '@/layout' + +export default { + path: '/index', + component: Layout, + redirect: '/index/index', + name: 'index', + meta: { + title: '鐭俊绠$悊', + icon: 'coupon' + }, + children: [ + { + path: 'index', + component: () => import('@/pages/index/index'), // Parent router-view + name: 'index', + meta: { title: '鐭俊鍒楄〃' } + } + ] +} + diff --git a/src/router/system_router.js b/src/router/system_router.js index 61be657..7c103e4 100644 --- a/src/router/system_router.js +++ b/src/router/system_router.js @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ +/* + * @Author: your name + * @Date: 2022-03-03 17:45:27 + * @LastEditTime: 2022-03-03 18:03:24 + * @LastEditors: your name + * @Description: 鎵撳紑koroFileHeader鏌ョ湅閰嶇疆 杩涜璁剧疆: + * @FilePath: \sms_center_backstage\src\router\system_router.js + */ // 璺敱閰嶇疆鏂囦欢 import Layout from '@/layout' @@ -25,13 +33,13 @@ meta: { title: '瑙掕壊绠$悊', keepAlive: true }, auth: 'sys_admin_role_see' }, - { - path: 'banner', - component: () => import('@/pages/system/banner'), - name: 'systemBanner', - meta: { title: '杞挱鍥剧鐞�' }, - auth: 'banner_see' - }, + // { + // path: 'banner', + // component: () => import('@/pages/system/banner'), + // name: 'systemBanner', + // meta: { title: '杞挱鍥剧鐞�' }, + // auth: 'banner_see' + // }, { path: 'basic', component: () => import('@/pages/system/basic'), diff --git a/src/settings.js b/src/settings.js index 5c76061..ea04faf 100644 --- a/src/settings.js +++ b/src/settings.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ module.exports = { - title: '鈥濋」鐩悕绉扳��', + title: '鐭俊涓績', /** * @type {boolean} true | false diff --git a/vue.config.js b/vue.config.js index 9d70b33..7911fe1 100644 --- a/vue.config.js +++ b/vue.config.js @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ devServer: { proxy: { '/api_test': { - target: '', + // target: '', // - 鍏� + target: '', // - 绾夸笂 // target: '', // target: '', // 鍜� // target: '', // 鍜� -- Gitblit v1.8.0