| | |
| | | |
| | | import com.hx.common.service.CommonService; |
| | | import com.hx.mybatisTool.SqlSentence; |
| | | import com.hx.phiappt.dao.mapper.ConsumeNotifyMapper; |
| | | import com.hx.phiappt.model.PaymentMethod; |
| | | import com.hx.phiappt.model.consume.ConsumeNotify; |
| | | import com.hx.phiappt.model.consume.ConsumePay; |
| | | import com.hx.phip.dao.mapper.ConsumeNotifyMapper; |
| | | import com.hx.phip.dao.mapper.PaymentMethodMapper; |
| | | import com.hx.util.StringUtils; |
| | | |
| | |
| | | StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); |
| | | |
| | | values.put("orderId",orderId); |
| | | stringBuilder.append("SELECT * FROM consume_notify WHERE isDel = 0 AND orderId = #{m.orderId}"); |
| | | if(StringUtils.noNull(paymentNo)){ |
| | | values.put("paymentNo",paymentNo); |
| | | stringBuilder.append("SELECT * FROM consume_notify WHERE isDel = 0 AND paymentNo = #{m.paymentNo} AND orderId = #{m.orderId}"); |
| | | stringBuilder.append(" AND paymentNo = #{m.paymentNo}"); |
| | | } |
| | | if(payAmount != null){ |
| | | values.put("payAmount",payAmount); |
| | | stringBuilder.append(" AND payAmount = #{m.payAmount}"); |
| | |
| | | values.put("id",consumeNotify.getId()); |
| | | values.put("refundStatus",refundStatus); |
| | | sqlSentence.sqlUpdate("refundTotal = refundTotal+#{m.refundTotal},refundStatus = #{m.refundStatus} WHERE id = #{m.id}",values); |
| | | commonService.updateWhere(ConsumeNotify.class,sqlSentence); |
| | | commonService.updateWhere(ConsumeNotifyMapper.class,sqlSentence); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | | <!-- 整个实体类修改,表字段=实体类字段--> |
| | | <sql id="Update_Column_All"> |
| | | <trim prefixOverrides=","> |
| | | ,platTrxNo = #{platTrxNo},refunNo = #{refunNo},refundTotal = #{refundTotal},refundRecordId = #{refundRecordId},refundRecordMethodId = #{refundRecordMethodId},orderId = #{orderId},userId = #{userId},consumeNotifyId = #{consumeNotifyId},isDel = #{isDel},createTime = #{createTime},editTime = #{editTime} |
| | | ,outOrderNo = #{outOrderNo},platTrxNo = #{platTrxNo},refunNo = #{refunNo},refundTotal = #{refundTotal},refundRecordId = #{refundRecordId},orderId = #{orderId},consumeNotifyId = #{consumeNotifyId},isDel = #{isDel},createTime = #{createTime},editTime = #{editTime} |
| | | </trim> |
| | | </sql> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | <selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="String" order="BEFORE"> |
| | | select replace(uuid(),'-','') from dual |
| | | </selectKey> |
| | | insert into refund_cash (id,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,refundRecordMethodId,orderId,userId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime) values (#{id},#{platTrxNo},#{refunNo},#{refundTotal},#{refundRecordId},#{refundRecordMethodId},#{orderId},#{userId},#{consumeNotifyId},#{isDel},#{createTime},#{editTime}) |
| | | insert into refund_cash (id,outOrderNo,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,orderId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime) values (#{id},#{outOrderNo},#{platTrxNo},#{refunNo},#{refundTotal},#{refundRecordId},#{orderId},#{consumeNotifyId},#{isDel},#{createTime},#{editTime}) |
| | | </insert> |
| | | |
| | | <insert id="insertById" parameterType="com.hx.phiappt.model.refund.RefundCash"> |
| | | insert into refund_cash (id,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,refundRecordMethodId,orderId,userId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime) values (#{id},#{platTrxNo},#{refunNo},#{refundTotal},#{refundRecordId},#{refundRecordMethodId},#{orderId},#{userId},#{consumeNotifyId},#{isDel},#{createTime},#{editTime}) |
| | | insert into refund_cash (id,outOrderNo,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,orderId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime) values (#{id},#{outOrderNo},#{platTrxNo},#{refunNo},#{refundTotal},#{refundRecordId},#{orderId},#{consumeNotifyId},#{isDel},#{createTime},#{editTime}) |
| | | </insert> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="selectList" resultType="com.hx.phiappt.model.refund.RefundCash" parameterType="com.hx.mybatisTool.SqlSentence" > |
| | |
| | | |
| | | <select id="selectOneByKey" resultType="com.hx.phiappt.model.refund.RefundCash" parameterType="java.lang.Object" > |
| | | select |
| | | id,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,refundRecordMethodId,orderId,userId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime |
| | | id,outOrderNo,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,orderId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime |
| | | from refund_cash |
| | | WHERE id = #{value} |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="selectOneByKeyBlob" resultType="com.hx.phiappt.model.refund.RefundCash" parameterType="java.lang.Object" > |
| | | select |
| | | id,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,refundRecordMethodId,orderId,userId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime |
| | | id,outOrderNo,platTrxNo,refunNo,refundTotal,refundRecordId,orderId,consumeNotifyId,isDel,createTime,editTime |
| | | from refund_cash |
| | | WHERE id = #{value} |
| | | </select> |
| | |
| | | orderRefundNoteListDto.setOperationId(operationId); |
| | | orderRefundNoteListDto.setOrderId(ordersTotal.getId()); |
| | | |
| | | //获取退款信息 |
| | | SqlSentence sqlSentence = new SqlSentence(); |
| | | Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<>(); |
| | | sqlSentence.setM(map); |
| | | map.put("orderId",ordersTotal.getId()); |
| | | |
| | | //获取总退款方式 |
| | | map.put("refundRecordId",refundRecord.getId()); |
| | | map.put("refundStatus",RefundNote.STATUS_SUCCESS); |
| | | sqlSentence.sqlSentence("SELECT * FROM refund_note WHERE orderId=#{m.orderId} and refundRecordId=#{m.refundRecordId} and isDel=0 AND refundStatus != #{m.refundStatus}",map); |
| | | List<RefundNote> refundNotes=refundNoteMapper.selectList(sqlSentence); |
| | | if(refundNotes==null || refundNotes.size()==0){ |
| | | sqlSentence.sqlSentence("SELECT * FROM refund_record_method WHERE isDel = 0 AND refundRecordId = #{m.refundRecordId}",map); |
| | | List<RefundRecordMethod> refundRecordMethodList = commonService.selectList(RefundRecordMethodMapper.class,sqlSentence); |
| | | if(refundRecordMethodList.size() == 0){ |
| | | return; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | //组装数据,只有现金才生成 |
| | | List<OrderRefundNoteDto> orderRefundNoteDtos=new ArrayList<>(); |
| | | OrderRefundNoteDto orderRefundNoteDto; |
| | | for (RefundNote refundNote : refundNotes) { |
| | | if(StringUtils.isEmpty(refundNote.getRefundNumberNo())){ |
| | | throw new TipsException("退款方式接收失败[624]!"); |
| | | for (RefundRecordMethod refundRecordMethod : refundRecordMethodList) { |
| | | //是现金 |
| | | if(refundRecordMethod.getIsMoneyPay().equals(BaseEntity.YES)){ |
| | | continue; |
| | | } |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto=new OrderRefundNoteDto(); |
| | | BeanUtils.copyProperties(refundNote,orderRefundNoteDto); |
| | | //退款 |
| | | if(refundNote.getPaymentNumberNo().equals(refundNote.getRefundNumberNo())){ |
| | | //退款,是否原路退回 |
| | | if(refundRecordMethod.getNumberNo().equals(refundRecordMethod.getRefundNumberNo())){ |
| | | |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setRefundroute(1); |
| | | }else{ |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setRefundroute(0); |
| | | } |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setRefundNumberNo(refundNote.getRefundNumberNo()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setRefundName(refundNote.getRefundName()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setRefundRecordMethodId(refundRecordMethod.getId()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setPaymentTotal(refundRecordMethod.getActualTotal()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setPaymentNumberNo(refundRecordMethod.getNumberNo()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setPaymentName(refundRecordMethod.getName()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setRefundNumberNo(refundRecordMethod.getRefundNumberNo()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDto.setRefundName(refundRecordMethod.getRefundName()); |
| | | orderRefundNoteDtos.add(orderRefundNoteDto); |
| | | } |
| | | orderRefundNoteListDto.setOrderRefundNoteDtos(orderRefundNoteDtos); |
| | |
| | | noteConfirm(orderRefundNoteListDto, ordersTotal,refundRecord,orderNodeBuilder); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | public PlatformResult noteConfirm(OrderRefundNoteListDto orderRefundNoteListDto,OrdersTotal ordersTotal,RefundRecord refundRecord |
| | | public void noteConfirm(OrderRefundNoteListDto orderRefundNoteListDto,OrdersTotal ordersTotal,RefundRecord refundRecord |
| | | ,StringBuilder orderNodeBuilder) { |
| | | logger.info("退款单确认打印参数:{}",JSON.toJSONString(orderRefundNoteListDto)); |
| | | Map<String, String> operator = ApiOrderUtil.getOperator(commonService, orderRefundNoteListDto.getOperationId());//获取操作人信息 |
| | |
| | | Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<>(); |
| | | sqlSentence.setM(map); |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | List<OrderRefundNoteDto> orderRefundNoteDtos=orderRefundNoteListDto.getOrderRefundNoteDtos(); |
| | | if(orderRefundNoteDtos == null || orderRefundNoteDtos.size() == 0){ |
| | | return; |
| | | } |
| | | if("crm".equals(ordersTotal.getAppIdCode())){ |
| | | //CRM退款 |
| | | handleCrmRefundOrder(orderRefundNoteDtos,ordersTotal,refundRecord,operatorId,operatorName,orderNodeBuilder); |
| | | }else { |
| | | sqlSentence.sqlSentence(" refundroute=#{m.refundroute}, refundStoredTotal=#{m.refundStoredTotal},refundStatus=#{m.refundStatus},remarks=#{m.remarks},shopId=#{m.shopId}, " + |
| | | " shopName=#{m.shopName},operationName=#{m.operationName},operationId=#{m.operationId} where id=#{m.id} ",map); |
| | | |
| | | map.put("shopId",ordersTotal.getShopId()); |
| | | map.put("shopName",ordersTotal.getShopName()); |
| | | map.put("operationName",operatorName); |
| | | map.put("operationId",operatorId); |
| | | map.put("refundStatus",RefundNote.STATUS_SUCCESS); |
| | | RefundCashVo refundCashVo = new RefundCashVo(); |
| | | refundCashVo.setOrderId(ordersTotal.getId()); |
| | | refundCashVo.setRemark(refundRecord.getRemarks()); |
| | | List<RefundCashItemVo> refundCashItemVoList = new ArrayList<>(); |
| | | RefundCashItemVo refundCashItemVo; |
| | | for (OrderRefundNoteDto orderRefundNoteDto : orderRefundNoteDtos) { |
| | | map.put("refundroute",orderRefundNoteDto.getRefundroute()); |
| | | map.put("refundStoredTotal",orderRefundNoteDto.getRefundStoredTotal()); |
| | | map.put("remarks",orderRefundNoteDto.getRemarks()); |
| | | map.put("id",orderRefundNoteDto.getId()); |
| | | refundNoteMapper.updateWhere(sqlSentence); |
| | | if(BaseEntity.YES.equals(orderRefundNoteDto.getRefundroute())){ |
| | | refundCashItemVo = new RefundCashItemVo(); |
| | | refundCashItemVo.setPaymentNo(orderRefundNoteDto.getRefundNumberNo()); |
| | | refundCashItemVo.setRefundTotal(orderRefundNoteDto.getPaymentTotal()); |
| | | refundCashItemVo.setRefundRecordId(refundRecord.getId()); |
| | | refundCashItemVo.setRefundRecordMethodId(orderRefundNoteDto.getRefundRecordMethodId()); |
| | | refundCashItemVoList.add(refundCashItemVo); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | refundCashVo.setRefundCashItemVoList(refundCashItemVoList); |
| | | refundCash(refundRecord.getId(),refundCashVo); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | //记录操作日志 |
| | | StringBuffer stringBuffer=new StringBuffer("操作人:"+operator.get("operatorName")+",已支付订单现金支付退款:"); |
| | |
| | | ,operator.get("operatorName"),operator.get("operatorId"),OrderTotalConstants.STATUS_CANCEL); |
| | | commonService.insert(OrderLogMapper.class,orderLog); |
| | | |
| | | return PlatformResult.success(); |
| | | } |
| | | /**处理crm退款*/ |
| | | public void handleCrmRefundOrder(List<OrderRefundNoteDto> orderRefundNoteDtos,OrdersTotal ordersTotal,RefundRecord refundRecord |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | } |
| | | logger.info("订单状态为:{}",ordersTotal.getRefundStatus()); |
| | | |
| | | sqlSentence.sqlSentence(" refundroute=#{m.refundroute}, refundStoredTotal=#{m.refundStoredTotal},refundStatus=#{m.refundStatus},remarks=#{m.remarks},shopId=#{m.shopId}, " + |
| | | " shopName=#{m.shopName},operationName=#{m.operationName},operationId=#{m.operationId} where id=#{m.id} ",map); |
| | | |
| | | map.put("shopId",ordersTotal.getShopId()); |
| | | map.put("shopName",ordersTotal.getShopName()); |
| | | map.put("operationName",operatorName); |
| | | map.put("operationId",operatorId); |
| | | map.put("refundStatus",RefundNote.STATUS_SUCCESS); |
| | | for (OrderRefundNoteDto orderRefundNoteDto : orderRefundNoteDtos) { |
| | | map.put("refundroute",orderRefundNoteDto.getRefundroute()); |
| | | map.put("refundStoredTotal",orderRefundNoteDto.getRefundStoredTotal()); |
| | | map.put("remarks",orderRefundNoteDto.getRemarks()); |
| | | map.put("id",orderRefundNoteDto.getId()); |
| | | refundNoteMapper.updateWhere(sqlSentence); |
| | | |
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(orderRefundNoteDto.getImageList())){ |
| | | String [] imageList= orderRefundNoteDto.getImageList().split(","); |
| | | for (String s : imageList) { |
| | | RefundNoteItems refundNoteItems=new RefundNoteItems(); |
| | | refundNoteItems.setRefundNoteId(orderRefundNoteDto.getId()); |
| | | refundNoteItems.setImgUrl(s); |
| | | refundNoteItemsMapper.insert(refundNoteItems); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | try{ |
| | | //退款成功发送企业微信给订单开单人 |
| | | JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); |
| | | object.put("abnormal","订单退款成功,现金支付资产已退回!"); |
| | |
| | | object.put("userName",user==null?"":user.getName()); |
| | | object.put("notificationSubject", NotificationLog.NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT_REFUND_NOTE_PHISKIN_SUC_NOTICE); |
| | | SendNoticeUtil.successOrderSendNotice(commonService, customParameter, ordersTotal,object); |
| | | |
| | | }catch (Exception e){ |
| | | logger.error("退款成功发送企业微信给订单开单人错误:",e); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | |
| | | List<ConsumeNotify> consumeNotifyList; |
| | | String refundNo; |
| | | BigDecimal consumeTotal; |
| | | BigDecimal consumeRefundTotal; |
| | | int refundStatus; |
| | | for (Map.Entry<String, BigDecimal> entry : refundMap.entrySet()) { |
| | | refundTotal = entry.getValue(); |
| | |
| | | |
| | | //初始化可退金额 |
| | | consumeTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO; |
| | | consumeRefundTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO; |
| | | //获取支付信息(回调) |
| | | consumeNotifyList = ConsumeTool.selectList(refundCashVo.getOrderId(),entry.getKey(),null,commonService); |
| | | for(ConsumeNotify consumeNotify:consumeNotifyList){ |
| | | //计算总可退款金额 |
| | | consumeTotal = consumeTotal.add(consumeNotify.getPayAmount()).subtract(consumeNotify.getRefundTotal()); |
| | | consumeRefundTotal = consumeRefundTotal.add(consumeNotify.getRefundTotal()); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | //避免多退,要减去已退款 |
| | | refundTotal = refundTotal.subtract(consumeRefundTotal); |
| | | if(refundTotal.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 1){ |
| | | continue; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if(refundTotal.compareTo(consumeTotal) > 0){ |
| | |
| | | //生成退款记录 |
| | | RefundCash refundCash = new RefundCash(); |
| | | refundCash.setRefundTotal(consumeTotal); |
| | | refundCash.setOutOrderNo(consumeNotify.getOutOrderNo()); |
| | | refundCash.setPlatTrxNo(consumeNotify.getPlatTrxNo()); |
| | | refundCash.setRefunNo(refundNo); |
| | | refundCash.setOrderId(refundCashVo.getOrderId()); |
| | | refundCash.setConsumeNotifyId(consumeNotify.getConsumePayId()); |
| | | refundCash.setRefundRecordId(refundRecordId); |
| | | commonService.insert(RefundCashMapper.class,refundCash); |
| | | |
| | | //调起中心平台的退款 |
| | | CenterPayUtil.unifyRefund(consumeNotify.getAppId(),consumeNotify.getPlatTrxNo(),refundNo,refundCashVo.getRemark(),consumeNotify.getPayAmount() |
| | | CenterPayUtil.unifyRefund(consumeNotify.getAppId(),consumeNotify.getPlatTrxNo(),refundNo,"员工退款",consumeNotify.getPayAmount() |
| | | ,consumeTotal,customParameter.getAppId(),customParameter.getPrivatekey(),fRefundService); |
| | | //已经退的跳过 |
| | | refundTotal = refundTotal.subtract(consumeTotal); |
| | | commonService.insert(RefundCashMapper.class,refundCash); |
| | | |
| | | //支付回调信息变化 |
| | | ConsumeTool.updateRefundTotal(consumeNotify,consumeTotal,refundStatus,commonService); |
| | | }catch (Exception e){ |
| | | logger.error("第三方退款失败",e); |
| | | logger.error("第三方退款失败,错误信息:",e); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | import com.hx.util.StringUtils; |
| | | import com.platform.exception.PlatTipsException; |
| | | import com.platform.resultTool.PlatformCode; |
| | | import net.sf.json.JSONObject; |
| | | import org.slf4j.Logger; |
| | | import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; |
| | | import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils; |
| | |
| | | */ |
| | | public static OrdersTotal refundProcess(CommonService commonService, String operationId, String operationNme, String refundId) { |
| | | |
| | | System.out.println("commonService:"+commonService); |
| | | RefundRecord refundRecord = commonService.selectOneByKeyBlob(RefundRecordMapper.class,refundId); |
| | | if(refundRecord ==null){ |
| | | throw new PlatTipsException(PlatformCode.ERROR_TIPS,"找不到该退款信息!"); |
| | |
| | | OrderLog orderLog = RefundToolUtil.setOrderLog(refundRecord,operationId,operationNme,refundRecordMethod.getName()+"退款金额:"+refundRecordMethod.getActualTotal(),0, OrderLogConstants.LOG_TYPE_REFUND); |
| | | orderLog.setOrderId(ordersTotal.getId()); |
| | | commonService.insert(OrderLogMapper.class,orderLog); |
| | | |
| | | //现金支付需要创建创建退款单进行退款 |
| | | RefundNote refundNote = new RefundNote(refundRecordMethod.getActualTotal(), refundRecordMethod.getNumberNo(),refundRecordMethod.getName(),ordersTotal.getId(),refundRecord.getUserId()); |
| | | refundNote.setRefundRecordId(refundRecord.getId()); |
| | | refundNote.setRefundName(refundRecordMethod.getRefundName()); |
| | | refundNote.setRefundNumberNo(refundRecordMethod.getRefundNumberNo()); |
| | | commonService.insert(RefundNoteMapper.class,refundNote); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | return refundCarryVo; |